Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Note From Dad

Donna is far better at articulating our journeys than I would ever be able to.   She will continue to handle this for us;   I do want to share a few thoughts.  

Donna and I have had our tragedies and challenges just as many others have had to face.   I believe that many folks that have faced similar circumstances, often never have the opportunity to see why God puts them on a path that includes these tragedies and challenges. 

I feel  blessed be able to get a small glimpse of why God only  gave us a short time with Sean and the blessing of Justin with his special needs.   Without these challenges,  I feel certain I would have been content with a wife, two kids and a dog.   

Instead we have a wonderful, beautiful bundle of energy with Gianna and are now a few short weeks away from bringing Jayden home to his forever family.    When we started this journey for our family,   I never imagined bringing Gianna home, would also lead to a short 13 months to bringing Jayden home as well.

This would not have been possible without the support and assistance of many folks.  

I want to thank all those that have supported us in so many ways as we grow our family.    The generosity has far exceeded anything we could have expected.     Again,  Thank You !!!

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