Monday, March 14, 2016

Post Surgery 3/14/16

Jayden's  surgery lasted a little over an hour.  We were delighted and anxious to see him. Poor baby!  He just wanted to be held and I couldn't wait to put my arms around him and let him know it was going to be ok. He is such a sweet blessing in our lives and we thank God for him every day. 

Pictures of Jayden 😊

Here are a few pictures of our sweetie pie over the past month or so!!  It's hard to believe how much he has grown. So proud of him and all of his progress!

Jayden's Phase 2 Surgery 3/14/16

We got up early this morning and headed to the surgery center to have Jayden's phase 2 surgery completed with Dr. Chariker. The nurses gave him some liquid medicine to help him relax. He was so funny!  It was pretty evident Jayden was feeling fine!  Here is some before surgery pictures.